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Main Instructor:

Further Mathematical Methods for Economists, University of Sheffield (2025, Undergraduate)

Advanced Microeconomics, University of Sheffield (joint with Mich Tvede, 2024, Undergraduate)

Thinking Strategically,  University of Bonn (joint with Shaofei Jiang, WiSe-2024, Undergraduate in Economics) 

Thinking Strategically,  University of Bonn (joint with Alkis Georgiadis-Harris, WiSe-2023, Undergraduate in Economics) 

Dynamic Methods and Applications,  University of Bonn (joint with Gregorio Curello, SoSe-2022, M.Sc. in Economics.) 

Summer Course in Mathematics, Dept. of Economics, University of Rochester (course taught for incoming PhD Students - Summer/2016, Summer/2017)

Teaching Assistant:

Mathematical Economics, Dept. of Economics, University of Rochester (PhD level course - Prof. Srihari Govindan - Fall/2016, Fall/2017)

Econometrics II, Dept. of Economics, University of Rochester  (PhD Level course - Prof. Bin Chen - Spring/2016, Spring/2017)



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